Patient Resources

Carer’s Week

Being a carer is a non-stop job which can impact on the carer in more ways than sometimes we realise. Carer’s week is time for us to stop and thank our carers that work tirelessly sometimes with minimal appreciation or thanks. It is time to reflect on our carer’s and their health and well- being. If we don’t look after our carers then crisis situations occur and the sustainability of our loved ones care can be compromised.

As a carer: Do your caring responsibilities affect your wellbeing or your ability to work, socialise or study. Self-care like taking a break is important to help you rest and recharge or simply to just do things for yourself.

Taking just 5 mins a day just for you can be all we can manage some days. Maybe a cup of tea outside when you play your favourite piece of music and tune out the world and your responsibilities.

Sometimes, families or friends can help out so our carers can have time out to go to the hairdressers, go for a walk, run errands or have a massage. Another option for taking time out is you can arrange respite care either in your loved one’s home and /or at aged care facility or day facility to enable you to do this. You can look at your options available with the help of our Social Worker, Christina at Age Right.

Alternatively, you may simply want to talk to a professional to talk through your worries and concerns and learn ways to get help.

Remember you are not alone. One in eight people are carers and we need to ensure you are being looked after.

Common Neurodegenerative Diseases